
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Goa - Anjuna Beach

Located about 18kms from Panaji and situated in Bardez taluka, the Anjuna Beach is the part of a 30 km extended beach coastline along the west coast of Goa by the Arabian sea.

The Village of Anjuna, a five square mile area is nestled between the Arabian Sea and the Hill overlooking the beach. The beach is famous for its stunning natural beauty with swaying palms trees and soft powered white sands. The beach is marked by an unusual rocky formation overlying a cove of white sand and black rock that juts out into the Sea. This area was known as the Jewel of Anjuna and called "Ozran". 

Anjuna beach is a favorite haunt of the hippies who used to organize the famous rave beach parties. It was in the late 1950s to mid-1960s that hippies started visiting Anjuna beach and since then popularized the wild rave parties with trance music which have now become the characteristic features of Goan beaches. Anjuna Beach is also an ideal place for full-moon parties held especially during Christmas and New Year. Tourists love enjoying the blissful atmosphere of the luminous full-moon casting a spell and the soft foamy waves kissing their feet. 

Bathing is generally safer at Anjuna than at most of the nearby resorts, especially at the more serene southern end of the beach where a rocky headland keeps the sea calm. At this place sun -starved European tourists laze around bathing in the pleasant sun. The exhilaration of Bungee Jumping from an 80-ft tower and water-sports facilities like paragliding and windsurfing boosts the fun at Anjuna. 

Best time to visit

Best Time to visit Anjuna Beach is early November till March. During the X-mas and New Year rush, The the area is crowded with a large number of tourists from all over India and the world whocome in to enjoy the colrful beach parties. 

Places to Stay

There are plenty of guesthouses around the Anjuna village, and even a couple of hotels and luxurious resorts that arrange tours for Goa sight-seeing. Some houses are also available on rent if one is planning to stay on the Goa Anjuna beach for a couple of months. But booking is a must during the high seasons and shold be done beforehand. 

Places to Eat

There are a lot of places at Anjuna with good places to eat and drink. Most are simple semi open aired, palm leafed huts, which specializes in sea food. The German bakery,White Negro, Sea breeze cafe, Martha's breakfast home, Friends corner are some of them. All serve cold beer, invariably with great techno - trance music in the background .Most is simple semi open aired, palm leafed huts, which specializes in fish and western food. All serve cold beer, invariably with great techno - trance music in the background. On the beach, women selling fruits are also found.

How to reach there

Air : The nearest Airport is Dabolin, 29km away from Panaji and 47 km from Anjuna. Rail : The nearest Railhead is at Karmali, 11km from Panaji and 29 km from Anjuna. Road : There are buses every hour to Anjuna from Mapusa. For tourists arriving from Mumbai, Mapusa is the get off point for the northern beaches. Bikes can also be hired that ranges from Rs 250 to Rs 400 per day. 

This Article written by and posted by, which provide the Cheap Holiday India and Cheap International tour .

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